
Monday 11 November 2019

Your innocence


Each one of your goodness is insane,
everyone was truly crazy about your innocence.!

You 're the beautiful  gardener' s garden  in which every single flower is maintain.
You have qualities of  deer musk, That is the mind of everyone.
You are the candle of  great evening, that’s make beautiful than moon.

Each one of your goodness is insane…..
everyone was truly crazy about your innocence.!

You are the body of the jewel – gold, that tempted the mind of all.
You are the siren form of delusion, which has explained the beauty of all.
The souls were broken, but the heart still went out to rest.

Each one of your goodness is insane…..
everyone was truly crazy about your innocence!

You are the  chill of scorching summer,that’s need  of every soul.
You are the peak of the Himalayas, that has sprung up the Ganga.
You are the gamut of porous music, which is humming every tune.

Each one of your goodness is insane…..
everyone was truly crazy about your innocence!

You are the statue  of compassion, where God have been lost.
Laughing is your feat, that’s makes Jealousy to all.
You are the symbol of god, where  everyone has bowed their head.

Each one of your goodness is insane…..
everyone was truly crazy about your innocence!

By -sumit

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